Humidification Fog Systems for California Wineries
Humification Fog Systems for California Wineries
In honor of 2013 and the distinct craving for a full bodied finale to the year, we’ve decided to pull together some interesting articles for the wine enthusiasts and winemakers in the bunch. Most of you may not know that fog humidification systems have allowed winemakers all over California to house those beautiful grapes as they ferment into delicious joy under the piercing California sun. Let’s honor the sentiment of innovation this new year as you sit down with your favorite glass.
First, Wine Enthusiast Magazine just published their top 25 wine stories in honor of their 25th Anniversary. My favorite? The rise of Pinot Noir in California: “As recently as the 1980s, critics argued that California was too hot for Pinot Noir. They disparaged it as simple, thin, rustic—and most of it was. Planted in areas that were too warm and overcropped, it yielded indifferent wines.”
Follow us down to History Town with this article on Vintage America: A Brief History of Wine in America. Just as the history of our break from Europe, we make our own rules when it comes to wine cultivation and it isn’t always steeped in the grapes of tradition.
Maybe you’re not the wine lover in the family. Don’t worry, check out this New York Times report of apps for wine lovers to get those creative (grape) juices flowing.
Digital space too intangible for you? Here are some ideas that go straight the heart of the matter: from bottle to mouth.
Also, check out the breakdown of wine styles with this lovely infographic.
Original Source: Different Types of Wine
From Koolfog Sacramento to you, enjoy 2014, drink your wine and be thankful for the fog humidification systems that allow us to live in the luxury with our grape-y friends just down the road.