Did You Know We Provide Misting System Winter Service?
Did You Know We Provide Misting System Winter Service?
The thought of misting systems usually conjures images of warm summer days and relaxing by the pool, so why are we talking about them now, in the winter? Luckily, misting systems generally require minimal maintenance, but taking care of them in the cold months will help assure that they will be ready to go when the heat comes back. Sacramento Misting authorized installers offer misting system winter service to help extend the life of your misting system.
But Sacramento Winters Are Mild
While it’s true that our days are often still in the 50s throughout the winter, the nights can get significantly colder. It only takes one night at 36 degrees (i.e. a few degrees above freezing) to cause leaks, bursts or cracks in your misting system’s components or pipes. And most importantly, you want to protect your Koolfog pump. Additionally, water sitting in your pipes can cause stagnation and should be evacuated if you aren’t using the system for an extended time.
Seasonal Shut Down Service
These are recommended steps to ensure all components are in good shape over the winter months:
• Disconnect the water supply
• Empty water filter canisters
• Air dry Lines using compressed air
• Disconnect the power supply
Benefits of Maintenance
Routine inspections and maintenance are the best ways to keep your misting system working efficiently and can also help you avoid unexpected costly repairs. At Sacramento Misting, we value our customers and are committed to providing as much information as possible so you can enjoy your Koolfog system. From misting systems to dust control, humidification, and greenhouse climate controls we offer a variety of solutions to maintain the ideal environment. If you have questions about maintaining your misting system please give us a call at 916.512.8110.