How Much Water Do Misters Actually Use?
How Much Water Do Misters Actually Use?
The California drought is on the forefront of California residents and policymakers. But how much water is actually wasted in Hotels and Restaurants with the use of a misters?
The most recent evaluation from NASA stating that California needs 11 trillions gallons of water in order to end the drought is a daunting task. Exhaustive conservation measures have been put into place in order to curb inefficiencies. Decorative fountains have been drained, limitations of lawn watering during cold or rainy times have been imposed. Everywhere you go in California, you can see the effects of the drought in Hotels and Restaurants. From notices on your dining table stating that water is available on a request on basis or cards in your hotel room asking you to refrain from laundering towels and sheets every day.
But how much water does a mister system actually use? Please refer to the infographics below to see how much impact an outdoor cooling system has on the total guest “water footprint” compared to other activities.